Dear Brain, may I have your attention

Dear Brain,

You have been in my skull for as long as I can remember. We go way back. Thanks for doing all the things you do on autopilot. As you know, sometimes we get foggy, forgetful & unapplied to tasks. Organization is sometimes a strong suit and sometimes a challenge. Impulse and passion and creativity is always in high production.

So while all this was attributed to being a “creative mind”.  As of last year, we became aware this is in part, to ADHD.

Wasn’t it great to finally understand that laziness wasn’t the describer for excelling in some tasks and being challenged by other tasks ?!

Isn’t it frustrating to still be challenged ? Isn’t it exhausting to constantly be looking for ways to work our mode of operating to the systems, environments and metrics we are all graded on ?

We try to find ways to fit in like square pegs in round holes. We experience real success and feel huge failures that are not often understood.

We feel we can like we can fix huge issues easily and yet befuddle people’s confidence in us when they realize we struggle to remember to make our beds.

I know you long for a place in this world where you can think big and do so without tinkering with difficulty & distraction.

I doubt that will ever come to pass. Together we will fight the little nuances that often make us feel less-than. We will learn to compare to yesterday & not others. We will learn & find ways to translate our way of processing to suit us and our tasks.

Please be patient. Please don’t give in to wishing to be average, in any sense of the word.
